Friday, 19 September 2014



Name of shcool:                                                                                        Standard : IX.C
Name of teacher: Lekshmi. A.S                                                                Strength:
Subject                : Chemistry                                                                    Date:
Unit                     : Separation of Mixtures                                                Duration:45min
Topic                   : Adsorption

I. Name of the concept              : Adsorption
II.Definition of the Concept  :                                                                                                          
A process of retaining the molecules of a substance on the surface of another substance [liquid / solid] resulting into a higher concentration of molecules on the surface.
III. Essential attributes           :                                                                                                          
           III.Increase in concentration of adsorbate molecules on the surface of adsorbent.  
IV.Non essential attributes :                                                                                                                      
Colour, amount, shape, climate
V. Preparing Exemplars           
Positive Exemplars
Negative Exemplars
Ink spreading on chalk
Wetting of sponge
Dust particle sticking on the surface of wall
Tissue paper get wetting
Spreading of ink on the surface of the thermocole
Cotton gets wetting
Dust particles on the mats
Soil absorbing water
Coal adsorbing harmful gases
Roots absorbing water from soil
Charcoal used for adsorbing colored and harmful substance for purification of water
Chalk dust on black board
Water adsorbed by bricks
Oil on steel plate
Biscuit dipped in tea
Paint on wall
Clothes put in bucket of water
Spreading of ink on glass paper
Wetting of paper
Charcoal in water purification
Clay absorbing water
Water on lotus leaf
Plants absorbing minerals from soil

VI. Instructional Effects:                                                                                                                                           
1.      Competency for close, meaningful observation of examples and no examples leading to attributes analysis.
2.      Ability to identify the essential attributes of the members of the category.
3.      Competency to generating attributes meaningful hypothesis regarding the new category.
4.      Practice of testing hypothesis formed on the light of new examples.
5.      Skill for categorizing the items observed on the basis of essential attributes and to justify.
6.      Skill to define the category formed, in terms of essential attributes.
7.      Ability to generate new examples, independently and to test the acceptability of them.
VIII. Nurturant Effect.
1.      Acquires sensitivity to logical reasoning.
2.      Becoming tolerant to ambiguities.
3.      Developing positive attitude towards alternate perspectives.

Presentation of data and concept identification

T: Dear students, here we are going to play a game. I have a concept in my mind. I’ll provide you some positive exemplars (YES example) for the concept in my mind and some negative exemplars (NO examples) which do not bear the characteristics of the concept. All the Yes examples have some attributes in common. By comparing the examples you have to identify the concept in my mind its characteristics and suggest some more examples. Moreover based on the attributes you have to define the concept.

Here is a pair of positive and negative examples.
Dust particles sticking on wall (+ve)
Wetting of sponge (-ve).

S: Mixing of molecules of different substance.

S: Adhesive force between different molecules.

T: Now, listen here is your second set of examples spreading if ink on chalk piece (+ve)
wetting  of bricks (-ve)

S: Attraction between two different molecules.

T: If so check the next set of examples.
Dust particles stick on wall (+ve)
Wetting of cotton (-ve).

S: in one case one type of molecule is present on second and in other case the second type of molecule spread over the first fully.

S: can you give more examples.

T: Yes sure, see the next set
Charcoal used in water purification (+ve)
Intake of water by plants (-ve)

S: In all positive examples II type molecule is trapped on the surface only and the negative examples are bulk process.

T:That’s right anything more?

S: One type of molecule is present on the surface of other molecule only.

T: Yes, you are absolutely correct can you name concept?

S: No, teacher.

T: All right, I will tell you. This process is known as adsorption, Can you list the attributes of adsorption and also perspective of adsorption and also perspective of adsorption one more.

S: In adsorption there are two substance adsorbent and adsorbate are required.

S: It is a surface process.

T: Very good.
Adsorption Is the process of retaining the molecules of a substance on the surface of another substance resulting, into a higher concentration of molecule on the surface of the substance.
In the above mentioned +ve examples shape of the substance is a non-essential attributes of adsorption. Can you suggest some other non essential attributes?

S: Ok, Colour of the substance.

T: anything more?

S: amount of the substance.

T: very good.

S: Climate.

T: Absolutely right.

Testing the attainment of the concepts

T: Now I am going to check your knowledge about adsorption. I will give you a set of examples from which you should identify the YES examples and the NO examples
Spreading of ink on glass plate.
Wetting of clay.

S: Spreading of ink on glass plate: YES.
    Wetting of clay: NO.

T: Now listen the next set
Chalk dust on board.

S: Chalk dust on board: YES.
    Rasagula: NO.

T: Now listen the next set of example.
Painting the wall.
Wetting of clothes.

S: Painting the wall: YES.
    Wetting of clothes: NO.

T: Very good. Can you define adsorption?

S: The process of retaining the molecule of a substance on the surface of another substance is adsorption.

T: Can you suggest some more examples.

S:  Oil on glass plate.

S: Water on leaf surface.

S: Dust on floor.

T: Very good.

Analysis of the Thinking Strategy.

T: Can you explain how you reached your conclusion.

S: Teacher, your first +ve example, dust particles sticking on wall and –ve example wetting of Sponge made use of think the concept might be something related to mixing of two different types of molecules. But then you provided the next +ve example of spreading of ink on chalk piece leads to the rejection of Hypothesis 1 and Hypothesis of adhesive force remains.

T: What about the next example?

S: When you told about dust particles sticking on wall and wetting of cotton, we thought that the concept was related to amount of one type of molecule on another molecule leading to Hypothesis 3.

T: Then how did you reach the correct conclusion?

S: We analyzed all the +ve and –ve examples again and again on comparing, we came to identify that in all the +ve examples there is an increase in concentration of substance on the surface of another substance. Thus we arrived at the concept of adsorption.

T: Very good.

Orientation to the process.

Teacher present the first pair of labeled examples

Hypothesis 1

Hypothesis 2

Teacher presents the second set of labeled examples.

Hypothesis 2 persists
Hypothesis 1 rejected
Teacher present the third set of labeled examples.

Hypothesis 3

Teacher presents the fourth pair of examples.

Hypothesis 4
Hypothesis 3 persists

Hypothesis 5

Teacher name the concept

Students list the essential attributes

Teacher states the concept rule

Students list the non essential attributes.

Teacher presents first set of unlabeled examples.

Students label unlabeled examples.

Students label unlabeled examples.

Students label unlabeled examples.

Students states concept rule.

Students generate additional examples.

Student describes thought.

Discuss the role of Hypothesis.

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