Friday, 19 September 2014


Name of the teacher  : Aswathy S Nair                                                      Standard  : 9
Name of the school   : G H S Pappanamcode                                             Date        : 10/08/14
Subject                     : Physics
Unit                          : Oscillations
Sub unit                    : periodic motion  

  1. Name of the concept  :  Periodic motion 
  2. Definition of the concept  :  Any motion that repeats itself at regular interval of time is known as periodic motion.
  3. Essential attributes  :   i. time interval     ii. repeated motion
  4. Non essential attributes  :  Duration, shape and size of the object
  5. Preparing  Exemplars  :         
          Positive exemplars                                                      Negative Exemplars
            Motion of hour hand of a clock                                      Launching of a rocket
            Motion of second hand of a clock                                  Boy running along a straight path
            Heart beat of a healthy person                                       Motion of a bullet
            Motion of a pendulum                                                   Falling of mango
            Rotation of earth                                                           Falling of rain drops
            Revolution of earth                                                        Crawling of snake
  1. Instructional Effects  :
ü   Competency for close, meaningful observation of examples and non examples leading to attribute analysis.
ü  Ability to identify the essential attributes of the members of the category.
ü  Competency to generating meaningful hypothesis regarding to the new category.
ü  Practice of testing hypotheses formed in the light of new examples
ü  Skill for categorizing the items observed on the basis of essential attributes and justify.
ü  Skill to define the category formed, in terms of essential attributes
ü  Ability to generate new examples independently and  to test the acceptability of them
  1.  Nurturant Effects  :
ü  Acquires sensitivity to logical reasoning
ü  Becoming tolerant to ambiguities
ü  Developing positive attitude towards alternate perspectives


PHASE 1: Presentation of  data and concept identification

T:  Dear student, here we are going to play a game. I have a concept in my mind. I will provide you some positive exemplars (YES examples) foe the concept in my mind and some negative exemplars (NO example) which do not bear the characteristics of the concept. All the YES exemplars have some attributes in common. By comparing the exemplars, you have to identify the concept in my mind, its characteristics and suggest some more examples. Moreover, based on the attributes you have to define the concept.

Here is a pair of positive and negative examples.
          Motion of hour hand of a clock(positive)
          Launching of a rocket(negative)   

Can you identify the motion?
 S:slow motion                                                                                                                                                                                              
S:circular motion

T: now listen,here is your second set of examples

                  Motion of second hand of a clock (+ ve)
                  Boy running along a straight road(-ve)

S: It is surely circular motion 

T: If so, check the next set of examples
                Heart beat of a healthy person(+ve) 
                Motion of a bullet(-ve) 

S: Something that is not related to straight line motion(translatory motion)

S: Can you give some more examples?

T: Let us see the next set
                Motion of pendulum(+ve)
                Falling of mango(-ve)

S: In all the positive examples the motion of the object repeats itself

T: You are absolutely correct. Can you name the motion?

S: No teacher

T: All right, I will tell you, this is known as periodic motion


PHASE 2: Testing attainment of the concept

T: Now I am going to check your knowledge about periodic motion. I will give you a set of examples from which you should identify the ‘YES’ example and ‘NO’ example

                        Revolution of earth and
                        Crawling of snake

S: Revolution of earth- YES
    Crawling of snake- NO

PHASE 3: Analysis of thinking strategy

T: Can you explain how did you reach your conclusion?

S: Teacher, you first positive negative examples of motion of hour hand of a clock made us to think that the concept might be something related to circular motion. The second example confirms our hypothesis but then you provided the next positive example of motion of a pendulum. Thus that hypothesis was rejected.

T: Then how did you reach the correct conclusion.

S: We analyzed the positive and negative examples again and again. On comparing, we came to identify that in all the positive examples, the motion of the object repeat itself. Thus we arrived at the concept of periodic motion.



Orientation to the process

 Teacher presents the first pair of labelled examples.

hypothesis 1
hypothesis 2

Teacher presents the second labeled examples

hypothesis 1 persist
hypothesis 2 rejected

Teacher presents third set of labeled examples

Hypothesis 3

Teacher presents fourth pair of labeled examples.

Hypothesis 3 is rejected
Hypothesis 4 is formed

Teacher names the concept rule.

Student states concept rule

Students generate additional examples.

Students describes thoughts

Discuss the role hypothesis

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